Acne No More by Mike Walden
Acne is a seriously common condition that effects millions of people. Adults can get an adult acne variation of it. Teenagers get it throughout puberty and for a short time afterwards. It can be caused by many things, such as diet, lifestyle, hormones, and stress. And everybody wants to get rid of it, preferably without the dreaded formation of acne scars. I am one such individual, and searched around for many different methods I could use to get rid of pimples and acne all naturally. And I think I may have found my first answer that isn’t a scam like ProActiv.
What is this Acne No More ?
This is a program developed by Mr. Mike Walden. He himself found that his acne, which began at puberty, pursued him into adulthood with no end in sight. He couldn’t get a lock on what exactly the causes of his specific cause of acne were. A decade of this left him depressed, and he decided he had enough. His following years of research into natural treatments for acne that would last even after you stopped the program was compiled into the book you see before you.
Not too unlike Walden, I decided to start looking into natural cures after having extremely negative experiences with commonly used acne treatments, like Proactive or Clearasil. With Proactive, you get a system that is designed to stop working immediately after you end your subscription. So you get adequate (not great) acne fighting while on the system, but if you ever want to stop you’ll see all your acne coming back. With clearasil, although a cheap solution, you also get temporary solutions, and effects take longer to see and disappear twice as quickly. I wanted an end-all solution to finish off my acne for good, and so I decided to delve into Acne No More.
What are others saying about Mike Walden’s Program?
I never invest in a product without doing some research into it first. I was pretty impressed, most reviews of the program are praising its ability to fight acne, while there are also a few negative testimonies. Negative testimonies are good, no real product is going to have 100% approval rating with everyone, and everyone’s body is different. Not everyone is going to see results with this acne treatment, but I figured that it was worth a shot if more people were seeing good results than those who saw negative results at all. His reputation made me intrigued enough to give the book a real shot at clearing up my skin.
Details of Acne No More:
Of course, it would be illegal for me to tell you everything that is in Acne No More. I am able to give you guys a general idea of what to expect if you do decide to get the book though.
I’m not going to lie, by the point I had started the book I was getting a little optimistic and excited. It seemed that people had seen some real results with it, and that inspired me to trust in it a bit more. What I found was:
- The book focuses on how to treat acne at it’s base cause, rather than treating symptoms of a problem. And acne in itself is a symptom of other problems, such as hormone imbalance or bad diet. In respect to this, Walden targets your diet, how to cleanse your body internally, and how to reduce stress as his primary methods of curing acne naturally.
- Walden also warns of the problem with using common topical gels to treat your acne, as they will reduce the amount of oil that your body is naturally producing for your skin. This oil protects your skin, so by relying on topical gels you are not only short handing yourself with a temporary solution, you are making your skin more susceptible to future problems.
- To avoid all this, you can adopt the natural methods of the book such as an improved diet and exercise routine. The diet does primarily focus on all natural foods and vegetables/fruits, so anyone who is a vegetarian has an advantage towards achieving clear skin sooner. This type of all natural diet is meant to bring balance to your body’s hormones, as well as provide a natural cleansing element to help get rid of toxins from junk you’ve been eating in the past that is otherwise making its way out of your body through the pus in your acne.
My results: This book is very informative, and completely grounded in science and logical. There’s no BS included in the pages, and it generally stays easy to follow understand. There’s not a single step that you don’t understand exactly why you are enacting a change.
After using this system, I noticed immediate change in 72 hours. I had no new pimples, and my existing acne had gone down quickly. Within a week, I saw a significant reduction in all my acne. Two weeks later and my skin was completely clear. More than that, it had a slight glow and my skin tone overall was more even. It’s been six weeks since I started following this book and my skin is getting closer and closer to “model/actor” level quality. I’m starting to get random compliments too.
Pros and Cons of Acne No More:
- This book and these methods are tried and proven, and the added bonus of being natural methods only. Because of this, there is very little chance of side effects
- The book and reasoning behind why you should follow it are very easy to comprehend
- These methods are long lasting and provide various other benefits to your skin when you follow them
Review – Cons:
- This is primary for acne caused by diet or hormone imbalance, other causes of acne are not very well covered in the book, so few people may see absolutely no results at all.
How To Purchase:
You can get ANM right off their official website by pressing the link below. It’ll be purchased through the ClickBank system, which means you get a free 60-day money back guarantee with the purchase.
With a free 60 day money back guarantee, if you still have suspicions about the program you can go ahead and try it, and if you find it’s honestly not helpful just get your money back. No risk and high reward.
Review – Conclusion of Acne No More:
I’m glad I did my research into Acne No More to determine it wasn’t likely to be a scam. This got me to try the program out personality, and I was not disappointed with the effects it had on clearing up my skin from blemishes. I hope that at the very least, if you or someone you know has an issue with acne, you will give this program a shot to try and cure their issues. I doubt you’ll be disappointed. Mike Walden did a good job constructing an acne treatment system.